Friday, October 26, 2007

Diet Coke, Caffeine and Me.

I drink a lot diet coke! which means a lot of strange chemicals and a lot of caffeine. Well stimulated by the up coming life changing event I've quit!

Yes quit!

I have stopped drinking diet cokes in resturants with lunch and enjoying that greatest of american traditions, the bottomless soda.

My goal naturally has a little wiggle room in it -- but so far thats a good thing.. I've been trying to keep caffeine to a minimum with perhaps 1 or 2 coffee's a week. That seems like a radical enough change.

I'm beginning to get used to the taste of water and although it doesn't exactly taste good yet, I'm hopeful that it will taste good soon :-)


Richard said...

Invasion of the body snatchers! Bring Ezra back! What have you done with him!?!

EMan said...

Ezra is gone, only daddy remains.

Pat Patterson said...

Caffeine-free Diet Coke? We only buy the gold-stuff now...