Friday, October 26, 2007

Diet Coke, Caffeine and Me.

I drink a lot diet coke! which means a lot of strange chemicals and a lot of caffeine. Well stimulated by the up coming life changing event I've quit!

Yes quit!

I have stopped drinking diet cokes in resturants with lunch and enjoying that greatest of american traditions, the bottomless soda.

My goal naturally has a little wiggle room in it -- but so far thats a good thing.. I've been trying to keep caffeine to a minimum with perhaps 1 or 2 coffee's a week. That seems like a radical enough change.

I'm beginning to get used to the taste of water and although it doesn't exactly taste good yet, I'm hopeful that it will taste good soon :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Austin Film Festival

Yes folks its finally here.

We went to it last year and liked it so much we're going again!

The austin film festival 2007 -- its something like the 17th time this has been on and its pretty cool I encourage anybody who is actually in the austin area to come and see something... its whats keeping austin weird.

you can find more information about the festival at :

Getting In Touch With My Child Side

We have been swimming a lot recently as a preferred work out regime, which is especially nice in the outddoor pool at the gym.

Anyway we were at the gym recently and on the spur of the moment I decided to ride the waterslide! they have a three storey waterslide at the gym for the kids and I've never used it, with a son on the way I thought it would be the perfect chance to get in touch with my child side. I have to tell you that it was freaking great! -- maybe there are some fun things to look forward to!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Curra's Long Bar.

Since our refrigerator is still broken (no doubt that will be a blog subject soon) we decided to go to Curra's long bar on Parmer Lane.

Its a good place to eat a quick casual meal. It's nice and cheap and pretty tasty.
The food is Mexican and that is really more interior Mexican. So less Tex and more Mex. It is certainly worth a visit if you need a quick meal with no hassles.

However be aware they make you pay for the chips and salsa -- which always feels vaguely annoying to me!.

We were joined by two friends J and Rob and managed to pass a pleasant night even without alcohol .. ( I feel its a little on the mean side to imbide too much considering my other halfs condition ).

Saturday, October 6, 2007

20 Weeks On.

Its a son!

Yes you heard correctly, I'm gonna be a dad.
I'm pretty sure that this news hasn't entirely sunk in as I don't feel that nervous. Although I would love to think that this is simply a positive attitude and sunny outlook. I suspect that I'm swimming in the comfortingly warm waters of the river of denial.

No matter it is certainly exciting. It was a significant turning point when we found out the sex of the baby. Not specifically because its a boy, more because it has become a being - a "He".

I find my mental attitude has changed a little even before he is born. I was sitting down to watch the movie "World Trade Center" - the movie about some rescue workers who where buried in one of the towers, and I found that fifteen minutes in, I just didn't have the stomach to watch.

Don't get me wrong I can still make it through an episode of CSI just fine, I haven't turned into a complete pansy. But even on those shows I find myself thinking more about the death and disaster that occurs to some of the characters in the name of plot. These thoughts are of course even stronger when the character in jeopardy is child. You start inevitably thinking about what you would do -- serious strangeness.

Naturally the prep work has also begun. I've started moving my office so that it can become the baby's room. Although there is a little trepidation in doing too much prep work too soon, no-one wants to jinx these things.

The whole thing is definitely going to be an adventure, I'm assured that there will be lots of good parts. Although the same people that assure me of that, have been happy to oblige with stories of the bad parts. I guess its time to cross fingers.

Very Approximate Current size - 6 golf balls.